Home > Artworks > José Enrique Valdés Cano

Photo of José Enrique Valdés Cano Cuba
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Cano Valds JosEnrique Chaparra, December 31, 1976. STUDIES: Degree specializing in sculpture at the Provincial Academy of plastic Arts of Las Tunas, ao 2003. Skating Associations. Member of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) Member of the Association Hermanos Saz (AHS) CONTACTS: menendez@tunet.cult.cu tel: (53-31) 58 2215 58 2667 EXHIBITIONS : 2009 Salna UNEAC. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las...

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9.06 x 9.45 in
39.37 x 17.72 in
39.37 x 17.72 in
16.54 x 11.02 in
12.60 x 19.69 in

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Cano Valds JosEnrique Chaparra, December 31, 1976. STUDIES: Degree specializing in sculpture at the Provincial Academy of plastic Arts of Las Tunas, ao 2003. Skating Associations. Member of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) Member of the Association Hermanos Saz (AHS) CONTACTS: menendez@tunet.cult.cu tel: (53-31) 58 2215 58 2667 EXHIBITIONS : 2009 Salna UNEAC. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. Municipal Salna II October 20, Galley RenPortocarrero, Jess Menndez. Las Tunas. Ertico Salna Art III. Gallery of the UNEAC ComitProvincial, Las Tunas. The plastic XXIV Provincial living room in April. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. 2008 Salna UNEAC. Sculpture Workshop Galera. Las Tunas. I Salna City October 20, Galley RenPortocarrero, Jess Menndez. Las Tunas. The Provincial Salna XXIII Plastic in April. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. Ertico Salna Art II. Gallery of the UNEAC ComitProvincial. Las Tunas. Seventh Biennial 2007 National Small Sculpture Rita Longa format. Sculpture Workshop Galera. Las Tunas. Visions. Cuban Fund of Cultural Goods. Fayad Galera Jams. Las Tunas. Common space 25 sculptors. October-November. Museo de Arte Colonial. Ciudad de La Habana. PLASTIC Arts Symposium Sleepless City, from 9 to 14 August. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Holgun. The plastic XXIII Provincial salon in April. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. Young City salon, Galley Guernica, House of the Young Creator. Yields of the AHS. Las Tunas. Provincial Winners salon III 2006. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. International Tourism Fair 2006, FIT 2006. Morro Caba. World Heritage Site. City of Havana. Provincial Salna CUBA The plastic XXII in April. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. Provincial Winners II Salna 2005. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. 2005 VI Biennial National Small Sculpture Rita Longa format. Collective Expo RED. Art Gallery of JosMartnez Ochoa. Puerto Padre. Las Tunas Provincial living room The plastic XXI in April. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. Winners 2004 III salon of 2003. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. Artists Collective Galeray Vanguard Masters of November 5 to December 2 Galera La Acacia. Havana Cuban plastic arts sample. IV edition of the Cuban Culture Day in Italy. Villa Piccolomini. Rome. The plastic XX Provincial living room in April. Provincial Council for the Arts PLASTIC Las Tunas. 2003 National Contest of Painting, Sculpture and WFP in action recorded 2004. Development Center for the Visual Arts. Ciudad de La Habana. The plastic XIX Salna April Provincial, Provincial Council for the Arts PLASTIC Las Tunas. V National Biennial Sculpture Rita Longa small format, Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. Trustees Expo, samples of the Biennale, Tunas Theater Lobby. I Salna Alumni. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Collective Expo Las Tunas Academy. Galera UNEAC. Las Tunas salon Marti. Vincent Memorial Garca. Las Tunas II Salna Artero. Fayad Jamis Galera. 2002 Las Tunas I Salna Artero. Fayad Galera Jams. Las Tunas V National Student Salna Guillermo Nogueira. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Youth Las Tunas City salon, Galley Guernica, House of the Young Creator. AHS headquarters. Las Tunas. Fayad Salna Jams 2001 .. Fayad Galera Jams. Las Tunas. IV National Student salon Guillermo Nogueira. Galera Guernica, House of the Young Creator. AHS headquarters. Las Tunas. PERSONAL EXHIBITIONS: 2006 Reflections lquidas. ALOVERA inauguration de la Galera. Guadalajara. Spain. Reflections lquidas. Galera La Acacia. Ciudad de La Habana. 2004 state of disorder, Galley UNEAC. Las Tunas. AWARDS: 2009 Award with trptico: Mrbida, ncor and Eclosin of the series, no skin to my shadow. UNEAC salon. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. Grand Prix with trptico: Ignvoma, Styx and Anorexia Series: No skin into my shadow. Municipal Salna II October 20, Galley RenPortocarrero, Jess Menndez. Las Tunas. Oasis Award with part II of the series, no skin to my shadow. Ertico Salna Art III. Gallery of the UNEAC ComitProvincial, Las Tunas. Award to trptico: Ignvoma, Styx and Anorexia Series: No skin to my shadow. The Provincial Salna XXIV Plastic in April. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. Award trptico UNEAC the series: No skin into my shadow. The plastic XXIV Provincial living room in April. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. 2008 Grand Prix with Samsara part of the series: No skin into my living room sombra.I City October 20, Galley RenPortocarrero, Jess Menndez. Las Tunas. Trptico Prize with ye, Samsara and Trapeze, of the series: No skin into my shadow. The plastic XXIII Provincial salon in April. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. Award Samsara UNEAC the piece of the series: No skin into my shadow .. The plastic XXIII Provincial salon in April. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. Grand Prix with the skin to pieces without my shadow, Art II Ertico salon. Gallery of the UNEAC ComitProvincial. Las Tunas. 2007 Award Trapeze with parts II and Oasis in the series: No skin to my shadow .. Seventh Biennial National Small Sculpture Rita Longa format. Sculpture Workshop Galera. Las Tunas. Rprobo prize piece of the series: Liquid Reflections. Young City salon, Galley Guernica, House of the Young Creator. AHS headquarters. Las Tunas. 2006 Grand Prix with the part time zones, from the series: Reflections Liquid. Provincial living room The plastic XXII in April. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. Award-ALL with the part you see!, Series: Reflections Liquid. Provincial Winners II Salna 2005. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. 2005 Award with the piece-ALL see!. Series: Reflections Liquid. Sixth Biennial National Small Sculpture Rita Longa format. Las Tunas. Bending the workpiece Award Paradoxes, Series: Reflections Liquid. Provincial living room The plastic XXI in April. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. The Tunas. CPAP Mencin 2004 Special Chimeras paraphrase the piece of the series: Liquid Reflections. Provincial living room The plastic XXI in April. Provincial Council for the Arts plastics. Las Tunas. 2003 1st Prize with Carousel Ensueos piece. National Contest of painting, sculpture and printmaking in action PMA 2004. Development Center for the Visual Arts. Ciudad de La Habana. 2001 Festn Mencin the piece for the Ravens, living room Fayad Jams. Fayad Galera Jams. The Tunas.

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